Symbiosis with the Environment
YFY Consumer Products fulfills the “circular economy” ideals of the parent company and remains committed to obtaining the optimal balance between product development and the ecology. We focus on improving the use of resources, reducing dependence on water and energy, improving process efficiency, promoting the use of renewable energy, and minimizing carbon emissions.
The Company has appointed environmental protection management personnel and obtained related environmental protection certification. We implement direct management of environmental issues such as the use of raw materials, energy plans, gas emissions, and use of water resources. We monitor daily operational data and make real-time adjustments in accordance with environmental protection targets. We implement benchmark comparisons of environmental protection targets each year to support international initiatives and government policies and ensure the effectiveness of targets.
System Certification | Plant | Validity Date |
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System | Yangmei plant | 2025/11/27 |
ISO 50001 Energy Management System | 2024/12/03 | |
ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management System | 2024/1/6 | |
OSHMS Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System | 2024/1/17 | |
ISO 22000 /HACCP Food Safety Management System | 2025/02/14 | |
FSC™ COC Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody certification* | 2024/07/24 | |
溫室氣體排放量查證聲明書 | 一年一換 | |
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System | Qingshui plant | 2025/03/02 |
ISO 50001 Energy Management System | 2024/12/10 | |
ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management System | 2025/02/26 | |
TOSHMS Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System | 2025/02/26 | |
FSC™ COC Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody certification* | 2024/7/24 | |
溫室氣體排放量查證聲明書 | 一年一換 | |
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System | Ever Growing Agriculture Bio-Tech | 2023/10/06 |
ISO 22000/HACCP Food Safety Management System | 2023/12/30 | |
ISO 22716 Cosmetics - Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices | 2023/08/23 | |
Green Building | 2027/09/21 | |
ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management System | Yang Zhou mill | 2023/08/01 |
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System | 2023/08/09 | |
ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management System | kunshan mill | 2023/11/01 |
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System | 2023/11/18 |
*YFY Consumer Products was the first company in Taiwan to obtain FSC COC certification
為了減緩氣候變遷所造成的影響及善盡社會公民責任,本公司推動節能減碳不遺餘力。在台灣的紙品生產工廠除了通過ISO 50001能源管理系統認證之外,皆亦推動ISO14064-1範疇一、二之盤查與第三方查證。
* 本表資料範疇為臺灣區主要紙品生產據點,所列之溫室氣體排放量為經第三方查證後結果,與公司年報及永續報告書揭露版本存有些微差異。
本公司積極推動節能相關方案,並參與台電需量反應負載管理措施,自主減少用電。透過運用 ISO 50001 能源管理系統搭配 YES(永豐餘卓越系統)管理制度,不斷尋找節能的機會點,包括更換 LED 燈具、高效率馬達等,並透過製程的改善及每年編列預算淘汰老舊泵浦、低效馬達,同時引進先進進口高效泵浦與新式磨漿設備,以降低生產用電與燃料。本公司於 2015 年設定每年減量 1% 之五年期節能計劃,期能達到溫室氣體減量的目標。
各廠依照ISO 14001環境管理系統為基礎進行水資源管理,評估若因停/缺水對生產及製程造成限制的風險,並利用 World Resources Institute 工具評估各廠區水資源壓力。透過日常管理與監控,達成用水量最佳化的管控,有效管控因水管老化或其他原因造成的漏水及支出浪費。同時,藉由增設回收水殺菌設備及提升汙水處理廠生物池濃度,增加回收水使用率,達到降減用水量的目標。台灣區紙品生產工廠排放水皆符合或優於法令之放流水標準。
本公司設定每年用水量減量目標,台灣區紙品生產工廠設定每噸紙之單位排水減量至 10 噸水以下。同時致力於最大化水的使用次數、最小化水的使用噸數、製程用水重複循環使用率。
本公司貫徹循環經濟原則,持續加強廢棄物回收再利用之技術,力求源頭減量,以降低對環境的衝擊。2021 年臺灣區工廠達成零危害性廢棄物產出。
為確保永續的生產模式,本公司秉持著循環經濟,讓資源永續再利用的理念,強化各項廢棄物管理,確保資源再利用,如:我們將製程餘料製作成替代燃料,推動鍋爐 SRF 混燒計畫,達到減少化石燃料使用及廢棄物減量之雙重目的。工廠使用的紙漿、製程品之殘捲、裁邊紙,全數皆能回到製程再利用,不再委外清運。此外,本公司更裝設燃煤鍋爐脫硝設備,以符合2020 年中央加嚴排放100 ppm 標準。
* 資料範疇包含「本報告書營運據點彙整表」所稱之全數生產據點。
* 由於各廠所安排排放量第三方查證時間並不一致,故最新年度資料為各廠估算而得,若經查證後有排放量更新之情形,將於下一年度報告書更新。